Forced break | Taking it slow

-26.09. – 02.10.2021-

An important point of this journey is to slow down and arrive somewhere. Not just physically, but mainly in my mind. I love being fast, learning things at the first glance and being able to do things that others couldn’t or wouldn’t do. While my body can withstand a hell of a lot of pain I put it through, it has sent me a sign this time.

On my long hike of 23km with a backpack, through snow, mountains and over rocks and asphalt, with shoes that don’t fit ideally and not being used to the amount of strain, I overused my Achilles tendon. I didn’t notice anything while hiking, only after we had arrived back at the van and taken a break, it started hurting, felt swollen and crunchy. As usual I didn’t think anything more of it, drove to a sleeping spot and planned my next tours;

  1. 25.09. A “rest day” with a 5km walk to the Viewpoint Snøhetta and driving to Jotunheimen
  2. 26.09. A “light day” hiking 5km up to Heimdalshøe (and another 5km back)
  3. 27.09. And finally Knutshøe (12km)

I was over-motivated and had so much fun on my previous trip. I didn’t want to stop.

The next day we took it fairly slowly – all of us were a bit tired and set out for the Viewpoint at 10am. After a couple of hundred metres I became aware of my injury, but continued anyways. We got a nice view onto Dovrefjell and the lower part of Snøhetta and I was reminded why I like Dovrefjell so much. Back at the car we hung around, cleaned up a bit – we were reluctant to drive, but did eventually because I had chosen the coldest and windiest spot in possibly the whole of Norway at the time. Before we left, Snøhetta finally showed itself in its whole for the first time. I think this mountain and Dovrefjell were definitely communicating with us. I felt a bit mocked by her, being behind clouds when we wanted to hike her and then showing herself again when we decided not to. Dovrefjell definitely helped ground me (a bit) more. The trip was shorter than planned, but that is okay. After all this wasn’t the last time there. We will be back, Snøhetta!

Exhausted, overwhelmed and with a hurting heel, we arrived at the parking spot for Knutshøe. It must have looked a little strange coming there in the evening and limping around while looking at warning signs for the hike. We then picked a place to sleep and the next day…did not hike. My heel was still off and we were still tired, so we took ourselves a much needed day off. I started writing and sorting through some pictures and fought my extreme worries about parking in a space that one technically shouldn’t camp in.

Day 3 we left for Rondane (my worries about parking had calmed down by now and we had gotten a bit of rest and calmness) because we had arranged to spend some days at a farm I had been to the previous year. We were supposed to arrive on Tuesday, so we spent a night in the area – partly also to see the beautiful nature the road went through in better daylight, but as it turned out the next day was also foggy and rainy. We arrived at the farm at noon and the dogs immediately recognised where they were – despite having only spent one and a half weeks there over a year ago. I also immediately felt a connection to and a calmness from the place. It is good to arrive somewhere.

What I have learned: My body and mind have their limits. A plan does not always need to turn out that way or even exist.

What I’m grateful for: (this is a hard one) The signs I am receiving from my body. That I managed to overthrow my plans for something else and probably more important.

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