The adventure continues | A streak of luck

The Arctic Circle didn’t want to let me go, which resulted in a three day adventure with snow storms, closed roads and forgotten visa cards.

We’re on the road again and the adventure continues!

I remember my dad saying to everyone in Germany that I was on this big Arctic adventure. Even when I was working! To me, I felt stuck. But perhaps I was on an adventure the whole time.

These past days I definitely have been.

After deciding not to sleep on the Arctic Circle because of the weather, I reluctant drove further South, only to realise that I had forgotten my visa card in the Arctic Circle! 180km North.

Well, of course I had to drive back. Through the Nothing. Wind was shaking the car; snow blowing over the road; everything was white, or blue, or grey. I don’t even know.

I finally got my card back, drove a little South and found a parking spot for the night. Only to realise the next morning that the road through Nothing (which I had driven twice yesterday!) was closed indefinitely. So we were stuck inside the Arctic Circle. Great. That was what I wanted, right?

There was literally no way out. South was closed, East into Sweden was also closed, North was pointless and West, well…that would have led me along the coast and to the crazy camping guy who wanted to marry me! So definitely not an option!

Alright, we waited. Which would have been fine, hadn’t my camper battery that operated the heating stopped charging for some reason! No fun at a windy – 15°C!

So the dogs and I were freezing and shivering under a blanket the next couple of hours. When they finally opened the road again, I missed the first convoy and had to wait another two hours. I think I just fell asleep at some point.

Finally, it was out turn. Being almost the only car amongst a long line of trucks, we crawled through Nothing at the slowest pace. In front, a plow truck.

The irony of this experience was that, at least at the time of our passing, the driving was so much better than the day before or the day to come, so the convoy felt a bit pointless. Oh well, my Northern Norwegian experience wouldn’t have been complete without a „kolonnekjøring“ due to bad weather.

I managed to fix my battery charger in the following days, and now we are fairly safely driving through mid-Norway.

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